Saving Time with .widget.html Files

A .widget.html file contains all of the html information of selected objects. This allows you to save objects that are repeated through a website (or multiple websites) easily. 

Create a .widget.html File

  1. While in edit mode, select all object you want to include in your widget.html file.
  2. Copy the objects using keyboard shortcut CMD+C (on Mac) or CTRL+C (on Windows)
  3. Open a plain text editor (we use Sublime) and paste the object using CMD+V (on Mac) or CTRL+V (on Windows)
  4. Save the file with a unique name followed by .widget.html (i.e example.widget.html)

Add a .widget.html File to your Page

  1. Drag a .widget.html file onto a page while in edit mode. 
  2. The object will appear on the page. 
  3. Click "Save" to save the changes to your page. 

If the .widget.html file includes media (such as an image or video) that is stored within a different site, Be sure to import/replace the media. This will prevent a dead media object if the media was ever removed from the original location.

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