Configuring your Popup Triggers

Configure your Popup Triggers


Under Setup, you can choose when and where you want your popup or banner to display. This includes which pages and what triggers your popup or banner to appear. 

Step 1: Name

Name your popup and give it a description so you are always know which popup or working with you are working with. 

Click Update to save your changes.

Step 2: When to Display

Configure when you want your popup or banner to display. 


When do you want your popup to trigger? 

On page load: If you want your popup or banner to display as soon as your page loads, toggle ON

Time delay: If you want to add a time delay to your popup or banner, toggle ON, and enter the amount of seconds you want your user to be on the page before your popup appears. 

Scroll position: If you want your popup to trigger as the user scrolls down your page, toggle ON, and select the percentage of the page you want the user to scroll to before the popup appears (eg. 50%: once the user is halfway down the page, the popup will trigger)

Visitor is exiting a page (Exit intent): Pagecloud can detect when a visitor is about to leave your website and allows you to proactively display a popup. You can use a popup like this to present your visitor an offer just before they leave your page.

You can toggle ON both a time delay and a scroll position for your popup or banner. This means the popup will display once the user is on the page for x seconds OR once they have scrolled x percentage down the page. 


Toggle on which devices you want your popup to load on. This can include Desktop, Mobile, and/or Tablet

How often

Define how often you want your popup or banner to appear: 

Every time: Popup will appear every time the user visits the page 

Once per session: 

Once per day:

Once per week: 

Click Update to save your triggers

Step 3: Where to Display

You can display your popup on all pages or filter on which pages you want your popup to appear. 

If you have a website hosted outside of Pagecloud (e.g. from Wix, Squarespace, etc.) you will need to enter your website domain ( before selecting your pages. 

No pages: Select No pages if you don't want to display your popup on any page (yet). This is selected by default. 

All pages: Select All pages if you want your popup to display on every page of your website. 

Exclude pages: Select Exclude pages if you want to exclude your popup from displaying on specific pages of your website. Add pages to your excluded list by clicking the + Add pages button below. Your popup will display on every page of your website that is not on your excluded list. 

Include pages: Select Include pages to create a list of pages where you want your popup to display. Click the + Add pages button to add your pages. Your popup will only display on pages included in this list. 

Click Update to save your changes

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