Add a team member

Teams are a great way to collaborate on projects in Pagecloud. Depending on your plan you can invite team member to collaborate, if your plan doesn't support team members consider upgrading your plan.

With teams you can invite people to your team, manage their access and collaborate to create great blog content, website updates and manage your store.

Types of team members

Blog Editor. A Blog Editor has the ability to create, edit, and publish posts within your blog. Does not have the ability to change or edit your site's pages.

Editor. An Editor has the ability to create, delete, and edit pages within your site.

Site Admin. Site Admins have the ability to manage Favicon, Analytics, Shared Pages and Redirects. They also have all permissions of an Editor user.

Owner. The site owner is the person who originally signed up for the account. There can only be one owner per account.

Inviting a Team Member

For starters high five on wanting to grow your team! Follow these instructions to add a new team member.

  1. In your workspace select the project you want to add a team member to.
  2. In the Project dashboard locate the left sidebar and select "Team".
  3. Click "Add a Team Member" to start the process.
  4. Enter in the email of the Team Member you want to invite.
  5. Select which role you would like them to have for the site, an Editor or a Site Admin. 
  6. Click "Invite" to send the invitation. 

Your invitation will be sent and you will see that you now have a new pending team member.

The pending team member will need to click the link included in the email. If they don't already have a Pagecloud account they will need to create one using the email address the invitation was sent to. Once they complete the account creation they will now have access to your project. 

Tip: Each project has it's own team, if you have more than one project you want to collaborate on you will need to add the team member to each project.

Removing a Team Member

  1. In your workspace select the project you want to add a team member to.
  2. In the Project dashboard locate the left sidebar and select "Team".
  3. Locate the team member you want to remove and click the menu icon located in the bottom right corner of the team member card.
  4. Click "Remove". 
  5. That team member's permissions are now removed from your project.

If this person is a member of multiple projects you will need to repeat this for each project.

Changing a User's Permissions

  1. In your workspace select the project you want to add a team member to.
  2. In the Project dashboard locate the left sidebar and select "Team".
  3. Locate the team member you want to edit and click the button "Edit access".
  4. You can then select a different type of user permission for that user.
  5. Click "Update" to save the changes. 

To avoid overwriting changes made by other team members, only one team member should edit a page at a time.

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