Add a text box

Adding text to your Page is an essential part of communicating on your website. PageCloud offers multiple ways to add text boxes to your page. 

Add a text box to your page - Left side bar

  1. While editing a page, head to the left side bar.
  2. Click on the "Text" tab within the Sidebar.
  3. Drag a pre-styled text box onto your page.
  4. Double click on the text to begin editing. 
  5. Click "Save" and "View Live" to see your new text box on the page.

Add a text box to your page - Keyboard Shortcut

  1. While editing a page, Press N then T on your Keyboard.
  2. A new text box will appear on your page with default styling.
  3. Double click on the text to begin editing. 
  4. Click "Save" and "View Live" to see your new text box on the page.
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