How to Make a Lightbox Image Gallery or Video Lightbox

"Lightbox" is a term used when the content that displays images and videos on a page fills the screen and dims the rest of the webpage.

Images & Galleries

Create a Lightbox Gallery to Showcase your Photos

  1. While editing a page, open the left side bar. 
  2. Select the images tab, then select the Galleries tab. 
  3. Drag a Lightbox gallery layout onto the page. 
  4. Click Add Image to begin adding images to the site menu. 
  5. Click "Save" and "View Live" to see your beautiful new image gallery.

Edit a Lightbox Gallery layout

  1. Select the Ligthbox Gallery you would like to edit.
  2. Click Edit Gallery. 
  3. Within the Edit menu, browse through more gallery options and select a new gallery layout.
  4. Your gallery will automatically be converted into the new gallery layout. 
  5. Click "Save" and "View Live" to see your beautiful new image gallery.

Adjust Style of a Lightbox Gallery

  1. Select the Ligthbox Gallery you would like to edit.
  2. Click Edit Gallery. 
  3. Within the Edit menu select the Style tab. 
  4. Here you can adjust the style of the Lightbox Gallery. 
  5. Click "Save" and "View Live" to see your beautiful new image gallery.

Clickable Video Lightbox from Text

  1. Highlight the text that you want to link.
  2. In the Editing Menu, choose “Link”.
  3. Click on the drop down next to “Link To” and select "A video lightbox".
  4. Enter in link to Youtube or Vimeo Video.
  5. Click Create Link to create the link.
  6. Click Save to save the changes to the page. 
  7. Click View live and click the text to have your video lightbox appear.

Clickable Video Lightbox from an Object

  1. Click on the object you’re looking to use as the link.
  2. In the Editing Menu, choose “Link”.
  3. Click on the drop down next to “Link To” and select "A video lightbox".
  4. Enter in link to Youtube or Vimeo Video.
  5. Click Create Link to create the link.
  6. Click Save to save the changes to the page. 
  7. Click View live and click the text to have your video lightbox appear.

Video Lightbox currently works with Youtube and Vimeo video links.

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