Add donorbox Donations

donorbox is an online donation service that allows you to accept donations right on your PageCloud website. 

donorbox accepts payments from credit cards (through a Stripe merchant account) as well as through PayPal. 

Embed donorbox Embed Form 

The embed form is a simple form that will be seen on a page within your website.

  1. Login to your donorbox account.
  2. Set up your donation campaign, and publish it.
  3. Select embed form from the embed options.
  4. Copy  the embed code provided.
  5. Head to the page you'd like to embed the donorbox embed form on while in edit mode. 
  6. Paste the embed code using the CMD+V (on Mac) or CTRL+V (on Windows) shortcut. 
  7. Click "Save" and view live to see your donorbox embed form live.

Embed donorbox Popup Form 

The popup form allows your site's visitors to click on a button and have the form appear on their page. Helpful when offering a donation button in an area of the site that does not have space for the full embed form.

  1. Login to your donorbox account.
  2. Set up your donation campaign, and publish it.
  3. Select popup form from the embed options.
  4. Copy  the embed code provided.
  5. Head to the page you'd like to embed the donorbox popup form on while in edit mode. 
  6. Paste the embed code using the CMD+V (on Mac) or CTRL+V (on Windows) shortcut.
  7. Within donorbox, there are two additional lines of code that need to be pasted into your page. These can be found under step 2. of the popup form embed instructions. Copy these lines of code.
  8. Paste the embed code using the CMD+V (on Mac) or CTRL+V (on Windows) shortcut.
  9. Click "Save" and view live to see your donorbox popup form live.

Embed donorbox Donate Button

The donate button provides a link directly to your campaign on donorbox.

  1. Login to your donorbox account.
  2. Set up your donation campaign, and publish it.
  3. Select donate button from the embed options.
  4. Copy  the embed code provided.
  5. Head to the page you'd like to embed the donorbox donate button on while in edit mode. 
  6. Paste the embed code using the CMD+V (on Mac) or CTRL+V (on Windows) shortcut.
  7. Click "Save" and view live to see your donorbox popup form live.

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