Showcasing your Images in a Slider Gallery

Create a slider image gallery on your PageCloud site to display a collection of images

Images & Galleries

Create a Slider Image Gallery on your PageCloud Site

  1. While editing a page, open the left Sidebar. 
  2. Select the "Images" tab, then select the "Galleries" tab. 
  3. Drag the Slider Gallery layout onto the page. 
  4. Click "Add Image" to begin adding images to the site menu. 
  5. Click "Save" and "View Live" to see your beautiful new slider image gallery.

Reordering Images in Slider Image Gallery

  1. Select the slider image gallery while editing a page. 
  2. Click "Edit Gallery", then click "Sort"
  3. You can reorder the images to appear in the order you would like. 
  4. Click "Done sorting" to save your image ordering.
  5. Click "Save" and "View Live" to see your gallery in action.

You can adjust different style elements of your slider image gallery. The transition effect, Full width mode, and where the controls appear for example.

Adjust Style of Slider Image Gallery

  1. Select the slider image gallery while editing a page. 
  2. Click "Edit Gallery".
  3. The Editing menu will appear with the Gallery, Style, and Lightbox tabs.  
  4. Select the Gallery tab to change the gallery type.
  5. Select Style to adjust the Transition effect, Controls, and Full width of the gallery.
  6. Select Lightbox to allow the images to appear larger when clicked in live mode. 
  7. Click "Done sorting" to save the changes to your gallery.
  8. Click "Save" and "View Live" to see your gallery in action.

Transition Effects include: Slide, Flip, Fade, Cube, and Cover-flow 

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