Blog settings

This feature is in early access. To enable this feature turn on beta access.

Manage your blog settings.

Change your Blog title

Your blog a title is included in the browser tab title for all your Posts, Category and Tag pages. The format is as follows; Category/Tag/Post title - {your blog title here}

To update the title format of your blog to be different than the default follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Pagecloud dashboard and select Blog in the menu.
  2. Select Settings in the left menu.
  3. Look for the section Blog title.
  4. Add or update your Blog title in the Title text field and then click Update.

Change your Blog address

Your blog address is the url visitors see when they read your blog. For example

You can update your blog address to reflect how you are using your blog. Possibly you want different language or word like news instead.  A blog does not always have to be a blog. It can be news, updates, events or however you want to represent your posts. 

Follow the steps below to change your Blog address.

  1. Open the Pagecloud dashboard and select Blog in the menu.
  2. Select Settings in the left menu.
  3. Look for the section Blog address.
  4. Add or update your Blog address in the Blog URL prefix text field and then click Update.

Only letters, numbers and dashes (-) are allowed

Once you update, visitors will no longer be able to visit your blog through the previous url. If you have existing inbound links to your blog posts you may want to add some redirects to your new address.

Change your Blog listing page

Please see this article for instructions on how to change and customize your blog listing page.

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