Add TikTok videos and profiles

TikTok is a social media platform that allows you to create, share, and interact with video content. 

Add a TikTok video to your page

Share a TikTok video on your page.

  1. Find the video you want to add to your page on the website.
  2. At this point you can either copy the embed code (instructions below) or copy url of the video page and paste it onto the page.
  3. To find the embed, look for the embed button, it's located near the lower right-side share corner of the video display card. 
  4. Click the "Get embed code" button, a popup window with the HTML code will appear. 
  5. Copy and paste the code onto your Pagecloud page. 
  6. Voilà! The embedded video will automatically load on the page.

Add a TikTok Creator Profile to your page

Share the profile of a TikTok creator on your page.

  1. Find the profile you want to add to your page on the website.
  2. At this point you can either copy the embed code (instructions below) or copy url of the profile page and paste it onto the page.
  3. To find the embed, click the share icon and select "Embed" from the dropdown. A popup card will appear with the embed code
  4. Click "Copy code" to copy the entire embed code to your clipboard
  5. Paste it onto your Pagecloud page. The embedded profile card will automatically show up on your page.

Note: Private accounts and underage accounts cannot be embedded. In these cases, the share icon will be grayed out and won't be interactive. Accounts which are later set as "private" on TikTok will be shown as private on the embed profile card as well, as are underage accounts. Users who have not yet set their age in their TikTok profile are shown as private by default.

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