How to Edit Text

Text formatting can be adjusted on an individual word or letter, or on the text box as a whole.

Change text formatting of a whole text box

  1. Select the text box you would like to adjust the style of.
  2. Head to the Editing Menu's Style tab.
  3. Click Text to open the text formatting section. 
  4. Adjustments made here will affect all text within the text box.
  5. Click "Save" and "View Live" to see your changes.

Attributes that can be adjusted for all text within a text box:  

  • Format - Set the text box with a Heading tag to structure content and improve SEO.
  • Font - Choose an included font, or select from a Google Font, Adobe Font, or Custom Font
  • Weight (Includes Bold) - Set the thickness of the text from 100 (lightest) to 900 (Boldest)
  • Color - Change the color of all text within the text box. You can set your own custom color.
  • Alignment - Alignment the text inside the text box. Left, Centre, Right and Justified. 
  • Italic - Change all text within the text box to italic.
  • Underline - Underline all text within the text box. 
  • ... Includes: 
    • Strikethrough - Add a line through the centre of all text within the text box
    • Uppercase - Uppercase all text within the text box
    • Clear formatting - Clear the formatting of the whole text box. 
  • Text size - Adjust text size using the slider or enter in a px value for the desired size. 
  • Line Height - Adjust the height between each line of text in the text box. 
  • Letter Spacing - Adjust space between each character in the text box.

You can change the attributes of several text boxes at once. Select multiple text boxes, then set the style in the Editing Menu's Style tab.

Change text attributes of a specific word or letter (inline text styling)

  1. Select the text box you would like to adjust an attribute of.
  2. Double click into the text box to bring up the inline text editing menu.
  3. Highlight the text you would like to change.
  4. Adjust the attribute you would like to change.
  5. Click outside of the text box. 
  6. Click "Save" and "View Live" to see your changes.

Attributes that can be adjusted for a specific word or letter within a text box:  

  • Format - Set a specific word with a Heading tag to structure content and improve SEO.
  • Size - Adjust text size for a specific word or character from a list of preset sizes.
  • Weight (Includes Bold)  - Set the thickness of the text from 100 (lightest) to 900 (Boldest)
  • Color - Change the color of specific text within the text box. You can set your own custom color.
  • Italic - Set the selected text to Italic. 
  • Underline - Underline the selected text.
  • ... Includes: 
    • Strikethrough - Add a line through the centre of specific words within the text box
    • Superscript - Set the selected character or word slightly above the baseline of other words.
    • Subscript - Set the selected character or word slightly below the baseline of other words.
    • Uppercase - Uppercase the selected word or character within a text box. 
    • Clear formatting - Clear formatting for the selected tex
  • Link - allow the selected word or character to be a clickable link
  • Unlink - Unlink a selected word or character. 
  • Unordered List - Create a bulleted list. 
  • Ordered List - Create a numbered list. 
  • Outdent - Removing the indent of a specific line within a text box. 
  • Indent - Indenting the specific line within a text box. 
  • Special Characters - Include special characters in the text box. 
  • Undo - Undo the last adjustment made within the text box.
  • Redo - Redo the last adjustment that was undone. 

To use a custom text color, you can enter in your custom HEX, HSLA, or RGB color code right within the color tab. 

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