Create a Custom Dropdown Menu

This is an Advanced Feature. For our standard Site Menu Click Here

Downloading the drop down file

Click the file below to download the drop down action file.

Unzip the downloaded file creating a file called "dropdownz.action.js"

Creating the drop down menu on your page

  1. Create the text that you’d like to use to trigger the dropdown menu to appear. 
  2. Choose a word as the “trigger”. This will be the word to click on to make the drop down action occur. 
  3. Select the “trigger” text box and go to the Editing Menu under “Link”. 
  4. Click "Update Link" to add a link with no destination
  5. Create a link for each item that you’d like to include in the drop down.
  6. Select the items that you want to appear in the drop down by holding “Shift” and clicking on each text box. 
  7. Group them under the “Arrange” tab in the Editing Menu.
  8. Click once on the group and while holding “Shift”, click on the “trigger”.
  9. Drag the drop down file from your computer onto the text
  10. You’ll notice a warning at the bottom middle of the screen saying “Group”.
  11. Click “Save” and “View Live” to view your dropdown!  

When set up, the contents of the dropdown will no longer be visible in edit mode.

Remove the drop down menu

To remove or update the dropdown menu you will first need to download the dropdown-remove.action.js file here:

Unzip the downloaded file creating a file called "dropdown-remove.action.js" 

  1. Select the drop down menu on your page. 
  2. Drag the dropdown-remove.action.js file onto the page.
  3. The dropdown menu will be removed and contents of the dropdown will be visible again. 
  4. Click "Save" to save the changes. 

Advanced Options

Now that your dropdown menu is set up, you can choose to change how it acts on your live site.

  1. Select the dropdown menu in edit mode and click the J then S key to open up the JavaScript editor.  
  2. Change trigger from 'hover' to 'click'  to have your menu only open when clicked. 
  3. Change transition to 'fade' or 'slide' to have the menu fade or slide in when clicked.
  4. Change speed from 250 to a larger number to slow down the animation. Change speed to a smaller number to speed up the animation of the drop down menu.

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